Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

Bathroom Jabbers

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第53日.  雨

For whatever reason, I didn't gel my hair today. And as I was washing my hands, I look into the mirror and saw.....on the top of my head.... there it was..... standing there looking at me.... glaring straight into my eyes..... taunting me... mocking me.... laughing at me... a gray hair.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My best friend...

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第50日.  雨

Was at Valley Fair on Sunday night, walking aimlessly through the maze of glassy-eyed shoppers when out of the corner of my eye, I saw him. Him. My best friend in kindergarten. He was the same. I recognize his thick classes, his pouted lips. His hair style is still the same nor has his complexion changed. But he was different. He was bigger now - just as I have grown taller. And he was carrying a child - probably his son.

I didn't say hi. I didn't even bother making eye contact. He'll probably never realize that his childhood best friend walked right by him without saying a word.

Then again, how often do I fail to realize my former best friends walking by me and not saying a word?

Friday, February 15, 2008

the day after...

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第46日.  晴

So the flowers got delivered at 4PM yesterday. 4PM?!? That's almost the end of the day!! The flower arrangement was nothing short of something you see at Costco. The roses were barely even budding. And they didn't even deliver my Mylar balloon!! Completely, utterly unacceptable!!! Never again will I order through these guys.

So I called this morning to complain. The lady on the phone was nice.

She tried to say, "Oh...Valentine's Day is a busy day. And it's not unusual to have flowers delivered by 8PM."

I turned the card on her and said, "Now how would you feel if....blah blah blah... This is the one day in the year where I can let my wife's coworker know she's very special. And it's Valentine's DAY not night."

She was nice enough to say, "I'm so sorry. Let's see what I can do."

And I started probing, "So how was your Valentine's Day? Do anything special?"

The lady said, "Me and my guy, we decided to celebrate on the weekend. Prices are cheaper. It's not as crowded."

Then I patronized her, "Wow... you're very thoughtful. Hard to find women like that nowadays."

Then she started to complain a little, "Yeah...after a long day's work yesterday, I got home, and I kinda wished there was something for me. But I was the one who suggested postponing Valentine's Day."

Me being the guy who was after my own money and I have a little heart said, "Awww... but that's okay. I'm sure every day is Valentine's Day for you."

So I get my service charge refunded along with a 10% refund, not to mention my missing Mylar Balloon. Almost wanted to get more money back... but oh well. And that... was how I spent the day after, Valentine's Day.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

10 million women!!!

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第45日.  晴

Mao Offered Women to U.S. (AP)

Amid a discussion of trade in 1973, Chairman Mao Zedong made what Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger called a novel proposition: sending tens of thousands, even 10 million, Chinese women to the United States.

"You know, China is a very poor country," Mao said, according to a document released by the State Department's historian office. "We don't have much. What we have in excess is women. So if you want them we can give a few of those to you, some tens of thousands."

A few minutes later, Mao circled back to the offer. "Do you want our Chinese women?" he asked. "We can give you 10 million."

After Kissinger noted Mao was "improving his offer," the chairman said, "We have too many women ... They give birth to children and our children are too many."

"It is such a novel proposition," Kissinger replied in his discussion with Mao in Beijing. "We will have to study it."

Saturday, February 09, 2008


沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第40日.  晴

Commericials... musical... skit/standup comedy.... to "Miracle." A lot has changed. Times have changed. People have come and gone. Our number has gone up and down. But the everlasting theme of God's love has not changed. And our unity by His spirit has not faltered.

"Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!" ~Psalm 133:1

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第37日.  晴

年三十晚, 返教會同弟兄姊妹共享團年飯. 十分溫暖.

今年竟然會有人o黎拜年!! 可惜... 0黎梁家拜年係無利是逗. sorry.

同某人傾計, 講到 "騎牛揾馬". 回想我自己, 騎隻牛已經騎左足足五年, 但係隻馬重未出現....

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第36日.  晴

Turns out Super Tuesday did NOT decide the Democratic Party's nominee afterall. Clinton won more delegates but Obama won more states. Both campaigns agree that Obama has the edge - probably cuz nobody expected him to be this close at this point.

McCain apparently is emerging is the clear favorite from the GOP. I certainly have no problem with that... except for the fact that he's 72!!!!

Super Tuesday morning sucked... I was strapped to a stinken dentist chair for two hours getting a temporary crown. Sigh... the pangs of having bad teeth.

Folks, if you're reading this, please remember to floss. Brush after every meal. Use Listerine. And when Christmas rolls around, drink lots of Egg Nog Lattes. That is all.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第34日.  驟雨


Montana's Legacy is forever sealed at 4-0.

It wasn't so much a miraculous win than a miraculous lost.

I can only remember 4 yellow flags and 1 red flag.

The commericials sucked - sucked bad.

Tom Brady is one heckuva quarterback.

I still hate the Giants (the New York Giants).

Two people were missing at our Superbowl Party - hopefully things change next year.
