Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第36日.  晴

Turns out Super Tuesday did NOT decide the Democratic Party's nominee afterall. Clinton won more delegates but Obama won more states. Both campaigns agree that Obama has the edge - probably cuz nobody expected him to be this close at this point.

McCain apparently is emerging is the clear favorite from the GOP. I certainly have no problem with that... except for the fact that he's 72!!!!

Super Tuesday morning sucked... I was strapped to a stinken dentist chair for two hours getting a temporary crown. Sigh... the pangs of having bad teeth.

Folks, if you're reading this, please remember to floss. Brush after every meal. Use Listerine. And when Christmas rolls around, drink lots of Egg Nog Lattes. That is all.

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