Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My best friend...

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第50日.  雨

Was at Valley Fair on Sunday night, walking aimlessly through the maze of glassy-eyed shoppers when out of the corner of my eye, I saw him. Him. My best friend in kindergarten. He was the same. I recognize his thick classes, his pouted lips. His hair style is still the same nor has his complexion changed. But he was different. He was bigger now - just as I have grown taller. And he was carrying a child - probably his son.

I didn't say hi. I didn't even bother making eye contact. He'll probably never realize that his childhood best friend walked right by him without saying a word.

Then again, how often do I fail to realize my former best friends walking by me and not saying a word?

1 comment:

Roy2000 said...

When I saw the word "former", I have this thought in my mind ->

Do we have the guts to say "Hi" first to make our former best friends become current again?

Usually we don't, because it takes a lot of guts...