Saturday, April 05, 2008

Amazing Race - San Francisco

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第96日. 晴

I still remember over 2 years ago while having dinner at 竹皇, I asked MoonChi if we can have a Scavenger Hunt. The Scavenger Hunt slowly evolved into Joseph's 1st Amazing Race. 2 years later, the location has changed, the tasks have gotten more creative, the bar has been raised... and the faces are vastly different.

Top 10 Highlights of Amazing Race - SF (in no specific order)
1) Andrew's Wiggling Finger
2) Every team reciting bible verses
3) Ben's rendition of Vanilla Ice
4) Golden Gate Bakery Egg Tarts in the cold wind of San Francisco
5) Leo/David/Fion/Marco's Feeding of the 5000
6) Karen/Bo/Iris/Jason's 30-second Advertisement - Cliff Hanger
7) Michelle's 19 seconds of "Bust-a-move"
8) Working with Martin and Royce
9) Still not knowing (for sure) the number of parking spaces at Safeway
10) God's outpouring of AMAZING love and AMAZING blessing


Anonymous said... one ever comments...I'll just do it for this one since I'm on a roll........

Anonymous said...

I believe my team has counted 69 parking spaces at Safway.

And I truly believe everyone enjoyed the amazing race.