Saturday, March 07, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

A lot of people saw Slumdog Millionaire as a romance. Where Romeo defies all odds to try and find his Juliet. For me... the more flavorful storyline was the brotherly relationship - phileos - between Jamal and Salim.

Jamal and Latika falling in love is not at all credible. Nor is it "romantic." But what Jamal and Salim shared was real, bringing humanity onto silver screen. Locking in the bathroom, selling of the autograph picture, rescuing from imminent blindness...

Who was the true protagonist in the movie? Who was the one that took charge of all situations? Who was the one that made the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good? Who was the one that was martyred?

That dancing sequence at the end at the train station... that's how Titanic should've ended.

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