Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Logged into my old hotmail account... the account I rarely use anymore cuz of SPAM.. and everything was GONE!! VANISHED!! EVERYTHING!! I had that the account since 1999 - almost 10 years. I've used that account for many things - one of which was exchanging emails with my wife during our younger years. It's like having 10 years of my life - erased. Gone. Disintegrated. Wiped Out. So be careful of what you store electronically. It too can we wiped out with a blink of an eye.

Mood: nostalgic

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Designated Hitter

Another one of those timeless debates - should we have the Designated Hitter in baseball? I personally love the idea of having a DH. You have good offense up and down the order. Every ninth at-bat isn't a sure out (almost). And the other night, Matt Cain got the win in Seattle, only because there was a DH.

There are those naysayers out there who say it's not pure baseball. We devalue the pitcher's hitting capability. And AL baseball is not as strategic as NL baseaball. To those people... I say, "Ah-ha!" And that's all I can say...

Mood: partially vindicated

Friday, May 15, 2009

Lose it, Pray, Find it...

Was working on my car this morning and as I was putting the pieces back together, when a tiny O-ring flew out of my hands! Had no idea where it landed. LOST IT. On the ground? In the car? Beneath the car? Between the seats? Stuck between the grooves of my tire?

I sweep the entire area(s), not once, not twice, not thrice, not quatrice (is there such a word?) and couldn't find it. So I PRAY... A definite lack of faith cuz I decide to just fab one out of a paper clip - Failed. 10 minutes later as I was clean up the rest of my stuff, lo and behold, there it was on the floor. FOUND IT.

Mood: Impressed

Thursday, May 14, 2009

After 10 years...

You date someone... you fall in love with someone... you marry someone... you're about to be parents with someone... After all that time (> 10 years) do I find out that someone is a Trekkie!!!! WOW!!!!

Mood: giddy

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Winning or Losing

Watched an episode of Star Trek TNG. Data (the infallible) lost in a game of Strategeum to a humanoid. And spent the whole episode figuring out what was wrong with his "program." Jean-Luc Picard scolded him saying, "You can make every perfect move and still lose. That's life."

Mood: content

Monday, May 04, 2009

If I were to have amensia...

Amensia, apparently, doesn't happen all too often. It's more in movies then anything else. But people tend to be drawn to this story plot cuz deep down, I think all of us can't resist the idea of losing our memory and starting over, starting with a clean slate...

What would I do if I had amensia?

I would think my personality wouldn't really change, right? But to get a little creative...

Maybe I'll be a thespian. Maybe I'm an actor striving to survive in the streets of Brooklyn. All my friends would be white or black - not Asian. I'll have an East Coast accent - that mingles well with my California-Chinese accent. My nose will be pierced... probably just one side. I'll wear boots, not shoes, with unmatching socks. I don't think I'll have long hair though, cuz that's something I did while I was conscious. Would probably be swung waaaaaaaay to the left on the political spectrum. I'll campaign for stem cells, abortion rights, leave Iraq and national health care. I'll probably hate sports cuz it's a waste of time and a waste of the mind. My fingers will be calloused cuz I can play 4 instruments well... and 4 other like a virtuoso. Coffee, beer and steak will be my diet - unless I'm out of a job cuz the acting gig isn't serving me well... but that too, is too close to concious reality. Every morning, I'll go swimming in the Hudson River because 1) it's healthy and 2) I really don't know where the Hudson River is. My ride will be a beat up 1984 Datsun that I know how to fix whenever it breaksdown. (See this is highly unrealistic). Then the moment I wake up from amensia... (to be continued...)

Hrm...who's to say that my current life isn't the amenisiac. And the aforementioned description is my real self?

Mood: contemplative