Monday, May 25, 2009

The Designated Hitter

Another one of those timeless debates - should we have the Designated Hitter in baseball? I personally love the idea of having a DH. You have good offense up and down the order. Every ninth at-bat isn't a sure out (almost). And the other night, Matt Cain got the win in Seattle, only because there was a DH.

There are those naysayers out there who say it's not pure baseball. We devalue the pitcher's hitting capability. And AL baseball is not as strategic as NL baseaball. To those people... I say, "Ah-ha!" And that's all I can say...

Mood: partially vindicated

1 comment:

Anderson said...

You're going to eliminate another 14 jobs in America.

On the other hand, it isn't pure baseball. Double switches, what to do if runner is in scoring position and your pitcher is still strong. Also, how they pitch the 8th place hitter during those situations is a big thing. That's why we watch the Senior(Senoir...oiy yoi yoi!)Circuit.