Friday, May 15, 2009

Lose it, Pray, Find it...

Was working on my car this morning and as I was putting the pieces back together, when a tiny O-ring flew out of my hands! Had no idea where it landed. LOST IT. On the ground? In the car? Beneath the car? Between the seats? Stuck between the grooves of my tire?

I sweep the entire area(s), not once, not twice, not thrice, not quatrice (is there such a word?) and couldn't find it. So I PRAY... A definite lack of faith cuz I decide to just fab one out of a paper clip - Failed. 10 minutes later as I was clean up the rest of my stuff, lo and behold, there it was on the floor. FOUND IT.

Mood: Impressed

1 comment:

Anderson said...

One thing I learned from the Freedom Summit is to never marginalize prayer. It is powerful. We sometimes forget or even don't want to pray because it doesn't seem "prayer worthy". God listens. Gotta remind myself of that.