Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jury Duty - Excused

So yesterday, the judge welcomed anyone from our panel to plea their case to be excused. The grounds are pre-paid vacation or economic/personal hardship. I couldn't legitimately think of anything that doesn't compromise my civic responsibilities. (Especially after "the talk" with the Gonzo). We're dismissed and I walk towards the elevator - only to see over 60% of the panel getting in line to be excused!! WOW!!! These people must be mighty creative! Course, I feel like crap cuz I wasn't smart enough to think of an excuse to get out of Jury Duty.

I go back today to check in. Our case expanded from 1 panel to 4 panels!! I guess it's common for 60% of potential jurors to back out of each panel. I line up to check in, to take role, and they can't find my name!! I wait for 15 minutes after everyone sits down and they announce that I've been excused. WOOHOO!!!

My guess is, whoever was checking off the names yesterday for those with "legitimate excuses" checked off my name by accident. Which means...there's some poor schmuck out there who THINKS he's excused, but on paper - he didn't show up. Oops!!

Mood: victorious

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