Thursday, July 23, 2009

No-Hitter and Perfect Game

Two weeks ago, Jonathan Sanchez of YOUR San Francisco Giants threw a no-hitter.

What did yours truly do? Well... since I don't have ESPN (sad, but true), I started tuning into the local news. One would think that when there's a monumental event like a no-no , that will be the first thing they show, regardless of the demographics. All the Bay Area newscasts stuck Sanchez's no-no as its first story!! And why not? It's a very special event!!

Well - everyone ought to write into KTVU Channel 2's 10 O'Clock news. As much as it is a staple of the Bay Area for news coverage and as it is the first newscast that night after the no-no, it didn't even mention the no-hitter until its regulars sports segment! What's up with that??

For some reason, I get the Chicago WGN News. And after Burhle's perfecto today, I tuned into their local news coverage - and the moment I tune in - there it was!! A good 5 minutes broadcast on Burhle's Perfect Game at the top of the hour!!

KTVU!!! What's wrong with you!?!

Mood: peeved

1 comment:

Anderson said...

Ahh..its been awhile....
anyways...they're bitter because NBC11 is the official Giants station (Comcast in reality is...but who's counting)?