Monday, July 20, 2009

Online dating -- revisited

One of those days - so I'll spend some time answering those online dating questions. I have a feeling these answers won't land me into the "interesting prospect" category. C'est la vie....

1. What do you love most about the place you're living in? Have you ever lived anywhere else?

Most of my life, I've lived in California. And I've always been no farther than an hour from the coast. Is it by choice or by happenstance? I don't know. But two words can sum up what I love most about living here - Options and Selection. What options do I have here? Well... There's the great outdoors (to which I like but I don't spend a lot of time in). There's multi-culturalism (yet all my friends are Chinese with one or two Flips). There's also the arts (in which I go to museums if they're free and attend theater once a year). It's a place flourshing with different industries and job opportunities (but I'm still in the same profession and don't have the guts to move out). It's also a place of shopping convenience where I can drive just 15 minutes to get to anywhere I want to go (but it takes 45 minutes to actually get there cuz of traffic). But the bottomline is - the option is out there! Whether or not I take advantage of it... well... that's why I love most about living here.

2. Tell me about your closest friend. How long have you known him/her; and what do you like best about him/her?

I can probably pull something together for Anderson. Or scribble some notes for Gonzo. And there's always the Best Man speech at the Short-n-Stubby's wedding. But easily, hands down - my closest friend is my wife! My best friend! My soul mate! My other half. Which totally defeats the purpose of online dating if I'm married. So I'll skip this question.

3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I am able to speak in the tongues of men and of angels. I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge and I have mountain-moving faith. I can give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames. I can do all that. Yet - I'm impatient. I am unkind. I am quite boastful and proud. I'm downright rude, always self-seeking. Anger is my middle name. I have a great memory - mostly from how you've crossed me. I shy away from the truth but embrace the dark side. I lack self-confidence, I'm in despair, I'm full of doubt and I easily deter from the goal. But all those fault seem miniscule compared to what I want to change. Let's just say I wish I can give out unconditional love like our Abba Father loves us.

Mood: Loved

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