Thursday, April 22, 2010

Crazy Heart

On the flight back from Philly, the in flight movie was “Crazy Heart” starring Academy Award winner Jeff Bridges. There is an alarming sequence in the midst of the movie where he’s asked to take care of his girlfriend’s 4 year old son… but he being an alcoholic, decide to take the boy to a bar for a drink. The movie doesn’t show it, but it’s assumed he’s been drinking a lot that entire day they were out. Needless to say, the movie’s character loses the boy and goes about every where looking for him. “Have you seen a little boy?!” “What was he wearing?” “I don’t know.” “Where did you last see him?” “At a bar…I think.”

They end up calling the mom to security station with Jeff Bridges slumped over in disgust and desperation. The female lead comes in and busts a can of whoopXXX on him. Of course, the boy was found harmless – but like a shattered china the pieces will never be put together again. All the mom can do was hug her son and to assure him she loved him and was sorry.

Then it got me thinking. Am I a responsible father? I’m not an alcoholic, but I am a coffee addict. I don’t drink excessively, but I do drink socially. I eat three meals a day, but what type of food are in those meals? Am I treat my body correctly, so that I can live long enough or be healthy enough to take care of my family?

Am I a spiritual leader at home? Do I pray for my wife and daughter? Do I set a proper example of walking in His way?

I made a vow to God on this flight. That I will treat my body well. For the sake of my family and because I am a good steward of what He’s given me. Will you, you who may be reading this, keep me accountable and help me run this race?

Thank you…and God bless you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

At the airport...

(Try reading the entire entry...)

As we were waiting to board our flight, we suddenly hear a wail. Not just any wail, but the type that pierces your bone, down to your soul. I was walking towards the men’s room and like falling dominoes I saw heads turning one by one toward a middle aged lady. She must’ve been in her 40’s or so. She had long curly brown hair. A little on the husky side, but dressed fairly athletic. My immediate thought was she’s a mother of 2-3 kids who needs to stay active to keep up. She was wailing into her cell phone, while running towards the terminal. “NO!!” “STOP!” at the top of her lungs.

Reminded me of my flight out of SJC last week when I was running to barely make my flight. “She must’ve missed her flight. And she’s calling her companion on her plane whose left without her.” Her wailing now turned into balling. She was about to collapse and I wanted to reach out to hold her hand, to let her know things will be okay.
I didn’t. I continued walking and bumped into my travel buddy. Stupid me… I had to make a ill-timed, tastless joke – as I’m opted to do in situations like this to try to ward off the awkwardness. My buddy said, “I overheard the lady at the counter, she thinks someone in her family just died.”

Oh my goooooooodness. Then it clicked. She was at the airport, trying to catch the first flight out Sunday morning, to race back to Philly to see her dying family member. Only thing is, life and death isn’t like public transit where they’ll wait for you if the driver sees you running from half a block away.

After using the facilities, I walk back to my terminal to board and I see several women gathered around her. A couple security members, a few passengers and strangers hovering over her; trying to comfort and support at this helpless time. I felt like a complete idiot for making that joke earlier. And as I boarded my flight, the TSA who scanned my ticket in calls for backup saying, “We have an emergency here.”

The flight was delayed for about 5 minutes to let the lady get her composure to board. FAA regulation probably states that doors need to be closed X minutes prior to a flight. But I guess even the FAA and United can make exceptions.

As I buckled into my seat and started to get comfortable with my neighbors, I see that lady walk by, being assisted by a couple of flight attendants. They had to make special arrangements for her so she can have a little row of seats to lie down. Other passengers were happy to oblige to relinquish their seats. Then all of a sudden, the lady next to me flags down a flight attendant. The flight attendnant apologetically says, “We apologize for the delay, but we’ve just experienced a death in the family.” Funny how she puts it… “WE just experienced…” How touching.

More touching were the words that came out from the lady. “Ma’am. We lost our 13 year old son a year ago and I speak fluent Spanish. If you need any help, please allow me to.”


Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Adventures of a SAHD - Day 2

Today was such a nice day, I really wanted to take Nui-nui out for a walk. At least walk over to Peet's so daddy can get himself a little treat. But daddy was so tired...the morning nap went an hour over. It threw the entire schedule off. Didn't have time to go get my Peet's. I even missed my telecon! And without coffee... I was going through major withdrawal yesterday night. Had a splitting headache. No, I'm not addicted to caffeine. I just like drinking coffee!!

Mood: jonesing

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Adventures of a SAHD - Day 1

Day 1 of being a SAHD.

Hrm... can I do this for the rest of my life? I dunno...

Today was sort've a hybrid. I had KNBR on literally the entire day. There was a Giants' day game on. I had a telecon and a slew of emails to work on - despite being on "vacation."

Overall...fairly uneventful other than changing her diaper during a telecon.

Tomorrow though... Giants are off. Oh man.. how will I get through my day?

Mood: exhausted

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Another milestone...

Moments ago, I officiall lowered Nui-nui's crib to make it a toddler's crib. She's getting bigger and stronger and she's finally about to stand up on her knees. As I was putting the mattress back on and heard a big "WHOMP!" Uncontrollably, two tears streamed down my cheeks as I have yet again realized... she's a big girl now... daddy's baby is growing up quick..

Mood: mixed emotions

How I met Jenny...

It was 2007 when my friend Guy introduced me to Jenny. The first time we met was at Stanley in Hong Kong. We didn't hit it off at our first acquaintance. I didn't think much of her and I'm sure she thought I was just another guy. She did not stand out as anything special and definitely didn't live up to Guy's description. I wouldn't go as far as saying Jenny was a disappointment - but it's darn close.

After that time, I forgot about her. It wasn't till after I got back to the US that I remembered Jenny. It was one of those days... I had nothing better to do... so I decided to give Jenny a call. Not like I had much to lose since we'll be starting from ground zero. Only this time... she was much more opened.. much more appealing.. much more, shall we say, appetizing. Immediately, I was in love. I would be thinking about Jenny and shamelessly, I'd be craving for Jenny.

Everytime I have friends/family go back to Hong Kong, I would ask them to help me pay Jenny a visit. And with high hopes that they'll bring something back for me from Jenny. Without disappointment.. everytime they come back from their vacations, Jenny will always have a surprise for me. She'll be wearing a different outfit.. maybe she's gotten a little rounder or wider. But the one constant Jenny's scent and aroma. It's irreplaceable and nothing in America can even come close to imitating her.

My infatuation with Jenny has gotten to a point where I don't even need to ask... and those coming back from HK will bring something back from Jenny. I now have a piece of Jenny at work.. at home... and even in the car. Everywhere I go...there she is.

Oh Jenny... how wonderful you are... my guiltless pleasure... my artery clogging, cholestrol raising Jenny Cookies.

Mood: lovey-dovey

Friday, April 02, 2010

Stupid San Ho-say Airport!!

This morning I got to the airport at 5:30AM for a 6:20AM flight. I parked... got in the security line.. made it through without a hitch. Had 40 minutes to spare. Plenty of time to grab a latte and a scone. Hrm.... terminal C only has Starbucks. I would've preferred Peet's (or Philz?)...but oh well, it's on per diem.

I get my breakfast so I venture out to look for my travel partners. Geez... why is the only flight to Denver on Frontier Airlines? Where's my United flight? Maybe it's on the next TV screen. I walk over to check... nope! "Am I in the wrong terminal?" Couldn't be... I've flown United a thousand times out of San Ho-say. And it's out of Terminal C. And I saw a US Airway plane parked outside.

I go ask one of the checkout counters, "This is an embarrasing question... but is United out of Terminal A?"

Checkout counter lady, "Yeah...they recently moved over there. The security guys let you in?!?!?"

I walk back to security to politely let them know that they're just short of being imbeciles. It was 5:45AM in the morning, I didn't want to make a scene. Plus, my flight is at 6:20AM, I have plenty of time.

TSA says, "oh... we let ppl from a different terminal come in all the time. There's a Burger King here and they don't have it in Terminal A. Sometimes people like to get food here. If we tell people they're going to the wrong terminal...they yell at us."

My response, still ever so polite, "Is it worst that someone gets yelled at and gets food? Or for me to miss my flight?" (Those dorks...) "And now I have to buy another cup of coffee cuz I need to go through security again!"

So it's too early for the terminal bus. I've already parked in the C parking lot. I decided to walk down to Terminal A. TSA says it's about a 5 minute walk.

5 minute walk from terminal to terminal... perhaps. But once I got to the end of the security line... I hear the announcement, "LAST CALL FOR FLIGHT 623 FROM SAN JOSE TO DENVER. DOORS WILL BE CLOSING."

CRAP!!!!! I looked at my ws still 5:50AM. They're closing the doors already!?! I call my buddy on the plane, but he's already turned his phone off. I talk to TSA and ask to be expedited cuz my flight is boarding. They said, "Sorry, you gotta get in line." I wanted to but didn't tell them their colleagues have IQ's lower than my savings account interest rates though.

As God parted the Red Sea, he parted the crowds for me. As Moses raised his arms.... I raised my voice and people were nice enough to let me go through first. I got through security - again - grabbed my stuff from the bins and just ran. And of course... my gate is the very last one at the end of a long hallway.

I get through the final passage way and see a TSA personnel in a yellow vest. I waaaaaaaaaaaave at her. And she says, "Hurry up... I'm closing the door!"

Phew.... cutting it too close! As I walk into the plane... I get over a hundred stares of disapproval. Especially from the two ladies who THOUGHT they had an empty seat between them. Tuff!! I quickly apologized to them and said, "You guys thought you got lucky huh??"

Alas... I made it to my seat. The absolute worst seat on the plane. Last row, middle seat. Can't lean elbow room.

What a day....

Mood: miffed