Friday, April 02, 2010

Stupid San Ho-say Airport!!

This morning I got to the airport at 5:30AM for a 6:20AM flight. I parked... got in the security line.. made it through without a hitch. Had 40 minutes to spare. Plenty of time to grab a latte and a scone. Hrm.... terminal C only has Starbucks. I would've preferred Peet's (or Philz?)...but oh well, it's on per diem.

I get my breakfast so I venture out to look for my travel partners. Geez... why is the only flight to Denver on Frontier Airlines? Where's my United flight? Maybe it's on the next TV screen. I walk over to check... nope! "Am I in the wrong terminal?" Couldn't be... I've flown United a thousand times out of San Ho-say. And it's out of Terminal C. And I saw a US Airway plane parked outside.

I go ask one of the checkout counters, "This is an embarrasing question... but is United out of Terminal A?"

Checkout counter lady, "Yeah...they recently moved over there. The security guys let you in?!?!?"

I walk back to security to politely let them know that they're just short of being imbeciles. It was 5:45AM in the morning, I didn't want to make a scene. Plus, my flight is at 6:20AM, I have plenty of time.

TSA says, "oh... we let ppl from a different terminal come in all the time. There's a Burger King here and they don't have it in Terminal A. Sometimes people like to get food here. If we tell people they're going to the wrong terminal...they yell at us."

My response, still ever so polite, "Is it worst that someone gets yelled at and gets food? Or for me to miss my flight?" (Those dorks...) "And now I have to buy another cup of coffee cuz I need to go through security again!"

So it's too early for the terminal bus. I've already parked in the C parking lot. I decided to walk down to Terminal A. TSA says it's about a 5 minute walk.

5 minute walk from terminal to terminal... perhaps. But once I got to the end of the security line... I hear the announcement, "LAST CALL FOR FLIGHT 623 FROM SAN JOSE TO DENVER. DOORS WILL BE CLOSING."

CRAP!!!!! I looked at my ws still 5:50AM. They're closing the doors already!?! I call my buddy on the plane, but he's already turned his phone off. I talk to TSA and ask to be expedited cuz my flight is boarding. They said, "Sorry, you gotta get in line." I wanted to but didn't tell them their colleagues have IQ's lower than my savings account interest rates though.

As God parted the Red Sea, he parted the crowds for me. As Moses raised his arms.... I raised my voice and people were nice enough to let me go through first. I got through security - again - grabbed my stuff from the bins and just ran. And of course... my gate is the very last one at the end of a long hallway.

I get through the final passage way and see a TSA personnel in a yellow vest. I waaaaaaaaaaaave at her. And she says, "Hurry up... I'm closing the door!"

Phew.... cutting it too close! As I walk into the plane... I get over a hundred stares of disapproval. Especially from the two ladies who THOUGHT they had an empty seat between them. Tuff!! I quickly apologized to them and said, "You guys thought you got lucky huh??"

Alas... I made it to my seat. The absolute worst seat on the plane. Last row, middle seat. Can't lean elbow room.

What a day....

Mood: miffed

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