Sunday, April 11, 2010

How I met Jenny...

It was 2007 when my friend Guy introduced me to Jenny. The first time we met was at Stanley in Hong Kong. We didn't hit it off at our first acquaintance. I didn't think much of her and I'm sure she thought I was just another guy. She did not stand out as anything special and definitely didn't live up to Guy's description. I wouldn't go as far as saying Jenny was a disappointment - but it's darn close.

After that time, I forgot about her. It wasn't till after I got back to the US that I remembered Jenny. It was one of those days... I had nothing better to do... so I decided to give Jenny a call. Not like I had much to lose since we'll be starting from ground zero. Only this time... she was much more opened.. much more appealing.. much more, shall we say, appetizing. Immediately, I was in love. I would be thinking about Jenny and shamelessly, I'd be craving for Jenny.

Everytime I have friends/family go back to Hong Kong, I would ask them to help me pay Jenny a visit. And with high hopes that they'll bring something back for me from Jenny. Without disappointment.. everytime they come back from their vacations, Jenny will always have a surprise for me. She'll be wearing a different outfit.. maybe she's gotten a little rounder or wider. But the one constant Jenny's scent and aroma. It's irreplaceable and nothing in America can even come close to imitating her.

My infatuation with Jenny has gotten to a point where I don't even need to ask... and those coming back from HK will bring something back from Jenny. I now have a piece of Jenny at work.. at home... and even in the car. Everywhere I go...there she is.

Oh Jenny... how wonderful you are... my guiltless pleasure... my artery clogging, cholestrol raising Jenny Cookies.

Mood: lovey-dovey

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