Thursday, April 22, 2010

Crazy Heart

On the flight back from Philly, the in flight movie was “Crazy Heart” starring Academy Award winner Jeff Bridges. There is an alarming sequence in the midst of the movie where he’s asked to take care of his girlfriend’s 4 year old son… but he being an alcoholic, decide to take the boy to a bar for a drink. The movie doesn’t show it, but it’s assumed he’s been drinking a lot that entire day they were out. Needless to say, the movie’s character loses the boy and goes about every where looking for him. “Have you seen a little boy?!” “What was he wearing?” “I don’t know.” “Where did you last see him?” “At a bar…I think.”

They end up calling the mom to security station with Jeff Bridges slumped over in disgust and desperation. The female lead comes in and busts a can of whoopXXX on him. Of course, the boy was found harmless – but like a shattered china the pieces will never be put together again. All the mom can do was hug her son and to assure him she loved him and was sorry.

Then it got me thinking. Am I a responsible father? I’m not an alcoholic, but I am a coffee addict. I don’t drink excessively, but I do drink socially. I eat three meals a day, but what type of food are in those meals? Am I treat my body correctly, so that I can live long enough or be healthy enough to take care of my family?

Am I a spiritual leader at home? Do I pray for my wife and daughter? Do I set a proper example of walking in His way?

I made a vow to God on this flight. That I will treat my body well. For the sake of my family and because I am a good steward of what He’s given me. Will you, you who may be reading this, keep me accountable and help me run this race?

Thank you…and God bless you.

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