Sunday, May 30, 2010

Keep holy the Sabbath day...

As far back as I can remember, I haven't missed a "Sunday Service" outside of those years when Joyce and I first started dating in college. Even if we go on vacation, we'll be sure to find a house of worship as part of our itinerary.

This weekend, we made a quick getaway to Monterey Bay on Sunday/Monday. And instead of going to church, then heading down to Cannery Row, we decided to visit a local church that has Saturday evening service.

We've heard much things about this church and boy was it worth going! First off... I have to say that there's just no place like home. No matter how anointed this church has been, no matter how packed their programs are, no matter how hi-tech their AV system is... there simply is no place like home.

One thing worth noting is the mixture in demographics. There were people from all walks of life. Different ethnicities, nationalities, social classes, gender, ecetera, ectera.... but not matter where you go, no matter the size of the sanctuary, no matter who is speaking on the pulpit... God is always trying to open our eyes, ears and heart to something.

The Sabbath, for us, was a Saturday evening time. And indeed, it was holy...

Mood: impressed

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