Saturday, July 31, 2010

Training: Inertia

The worst part about training is the initial step.  Once you've stopped doing something for a while... it's the worst feeling to have to start over.  Cuz in your mind... you still recollect when you were able to run a 5 minute mile... or dunk... or type 70 WPM.

Started, or shall I say, restarted tonight by running 2 laps.  I vaguely remember that being around 1 mile.  I can barely run a mile... how am I gonna make 13.1?

Mood: disappointed

Friday, July 30, 2010

Training: San Jose Marathon

Ok...officially signed up for the San Jose Rock and Roll Half Marathon.

$75 with a coupon!! GEEZ!!! Don't think I'm gonna be doing a lot of these runs at these prices.  No wonder so many ppl jumped the San Francisco Marathon.  Training begins!!

Mood: anticipation

Monday, July 26, 2010


過去兩天, 梁府發生了五單恐殺案. 不是府上的人殺氣重, 而是死者們自投羅網!

蒼蠅啊蒼蠅... 為何天堂有路你不走? 反而處處逼人, 逼老夫大開殺戒呢? 不要怪我心狠手辣, 手下無情. 怪就只怪你自己頭腦簡單, 大限已到.
哈哈哈哈.... 哈哈哈哈... 哈哈哈哈..(呼吸).. 哈哈哈哈!!

Mood: 冷酷

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The YIELD Sign

How many drivers out there see YIELD...

but think, MERGE. least MERGE, you have the unwritten rule of semi-YIELDING... some people don't even semi-YIELD!!

Mood: miffed

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What is a sport?

Absolutely love it when the debate arises about... What is a sport?

Some argue, "You need to physically impede someone..."  That rules out tennis, golf, bowling....
Some argue, "You can't use a machine..." That rules out cycling and autoracing...
Some argue, "If you don't need a judge that can decide the outcome..." That rules out 70% of the Olympics...(figure skating, diving...)

But y'know what sport we just described???  America's past time.... BASEBALL!!!

How many times have umpires decided the outcome of a game?  Like the imperfect Perfect Game this year? Or today's Giants' lost to the Mets! (Yes...this is a ranting post).  It was completely the umpires incompetence that has tarnished our game!!! 

Mood: miffed

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A trophy wife...

From our daily devotion a few days ago...
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.  ~Prov 18:22
I love these types of verses.  It reminds me of what a blessing Joyce is in my life.  If there's anything I can be proud of myself for is 1) my dashing good looks and 2) my trophy wife. 

Ever been to a company function... or a high school / college reunion?  And you see your friend and his/her spouse and say, "He married HER!?!!"  or "She married HIM!!?"  I guess depending on your imagination... that can go many ways.  Now imagine satan saying to our Savior, "You married THEM!?!?" 

Don't you feel compelled to step up your game?  Prov 31 isn't just used to bless our wives - but it's God using it to bless his church.  And likewise, we can bless God by being the trophy wife we ought to be.

Mood: fallen and trying to get up

Thursday, July 08, 2010

YA Summit 2010

One of the perks about getting married (and there are many) is a legitimate excuse for not going to the annual YA Summit. Das right... you heard it here first. See, there's this little secret envelope that every SJCAC-married-couple gets at the last session of pre-marital counselling, labelled "OPEN WHEN YOU SEE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR YA SUMMIT."

Previous Summit's, the committee always makes a push to invite young couples. But this year -- the committee went out of their way to tailormake the Summit for couples. (The secret envelope doesn't cover this -- a new envelope needs to be made!!).
It's been 5 years since I've gone to a YA Summit -- coincidentally, I'm about to celebrate my 5 year anniversary. (tee hee!). Different marital status. Different group of folks. Different speaker. Different location. Same God -- He who never changes.

Over this weekend, the biggest takeaway that still reasonates in my heart is to set a vision with my wife. Are we both dreaming God's dream together? Or are we blindly walking together -- only to find out that at the next fork, we're in danger of walking apart?

Have you set a vision with your spouse yet?

Mood: dreamy

Monday, July 05, 2010

A new name...

Thanks to our Mandarin speaking brothers and sisters... Nui-nui is now also known as "Noi-Noi."

Mood: O-mouth

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Prayers of Hope vs. Prayers of Faith

Was challenged (once again) this weekend... to jump start our prayer life.

Prayers of hope goes like - "God, I hope you can do this..." Or "God, I wish you can do that..."
Isn't that undermining God's power? Of course He can do this or that. But those prayers require zero faith. You're praying in a no-lose situation!!

Try praying with some more faith... praying God's heart by making declarations! No one ever said challenges were easy...

I declare, in Jesus' name, my prayer life is transformed and will continue to undergo transformation! Amen!!

Mood: challenged