Thursday, July 08, 2010

YA Summit 2010

One of the perks about getting married (and there are many) is a legitimate excuse for not going to the annual YA Summit. Das right... you heard it here first. See, there's this little secret envelope that every SJCAC-married-couple gets at the last session of pre-marital counselling, labelled "OPEN WHEN YOU SEE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR YA SUMMIT."

Previous Summit's, the committee always makes a push to invite young couples. But this year -- the committee went out of their way to tailormake the Summit for couples. (The secret envelope doesn't cover this -- a new envelope needs to be made!!).
It's been 5 years since I've gone to a YA Summit -- coincidentally, I'm about to celebrate my 5 year anniversary. (tee hee!). Different marital status. Different group of folks. Different speaker. Different location. Same God -- He who never changes.

Over this weekend, the biggest takeaway that still reasonates in my heart is to set a vision with my wife. Are we both dreaming God's dream together? Or are we blindly walking together -- only to find out that at the next fork, we're in danger of walking apart?

Have you set a vision with your spouse yet?

Mood: dreamy

1 comment:

Roy2000 said...

You should share this in the next fellowship meeting. "Are we both dreaming God's dream together? Or are we blindly walking together..."