Sunday, July 18, 2010

What is a sport?

Absolutely love it when the debate arises about... What is a sport?

Some argue, "You need to physically impede someone..."  That rules out tennis, golf, bowling....
Some argue, "You can't use a machine..." That rules out cycling and autoracing...
Some argue, "If you don't need a judge that can decide the outcome..." That rules out 70% of the Olympics...(figure skating, diving...)

But y'know what sport we just described???  America's past time.... BASEBALL!!!

How many times have umpires decided the outcome of a game?  Like the imperfect Perfect Game this year? Or today's Giants' lost to the Mets! (Yes...this is a ranting post).  It was completely the umpires incompetence that has tarnished our game!!! 

Mood: miffed

1 comment:

Anderson said...

They should all go to the electronic ump just like MVP Baseball 2005! If its in the "box" its a strike..if the foot touches home plate, he's safe!