Sunday, July 11, 2010

A trophy wife...

From our daily devotion a few days ago...
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.  ~Prov 18:22
I love these types of verses.  It reminds me of what a blessing Joyce is in my life.  If there's anything I can be proud of myself for is 1) my dashing good looks and 2) my trophy wife. 

Ever been to a company function... or a high school / college reunion?  And you see your friend and his/her spouse and say, "He married HER!?!!"  or "She married HIM!!?"  I guess depending on your imagination... that can go many ways.  Now imagine satan saying to our Savior, "You married THEM!?!?" 

Don't you feel compelled to step up your game?  Prov 31 isn't just used to bless our wives - but it's God using it to bless his church.  And likewise, we can bless God by being the trophy wife we ought to be.

Mood: fallen and trying to get up

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