Monday, November 08, 2010

Afterthoughts of Halloween 2010

Been a bit preoccupied with the other Orange and Black... haven't gotten to releasing my afterthoughts of Halloween 2010.

This has been an extremely tough year.  We waffled on dressing Nui-nui up as a cupcake or a lady bug - something that's soooo adorable, it can't possibly be celebrating the holiday.  But in the end, we felt as the salt and light of our community, we needed to stand firm in our faith. 

When the Daycare Lady asked us what costume Nui-nui will be wearing, we told her flat out - "We don't do halloween.  And we would like it if you don't involve her in any of the celebration." 

The week of Halloween, all the kids at daycare were making jack-o-lanterns with little pumpkins.  They were making little art projects with ghosts and bats.  Nui-nui wasn't involved. 

And the Friday before Halloween, they all wore costumes and took pictures.  My daughter wore what she wore to day care - but was included in the pictures.  One of the pictures had her staring at a boy dressed up as Darth Vader holding a light saber.   And Nui-nui had a huge smile on her face - it completely broke my heart. 

Without being to put a true caption to the picture, I can only sum it up as "Baby Girl Envies Baby Boy Having Lots of Fun."  Something to that effect.  I felt like I was withholding basic joy and happiness from my precious daughter.  What a horrible parent.  Wait till she gets to school and really has to meet peer pressure head on.  God's grace is all I can hang onto right now. 

The night of Halloween was just as challenging.   Normally, we would scoot to dinner or a bookstore and stay out as late as possible to avoid the trick or treaters.  This year, the stinken World Series was on so we were stuck!  You'd think the kids would get a clue when they see the lights are off - but nope - they still came up and knocked and rang our door bell. 

Anderson and the Gal Pal were over to watch the World Series with us... and all 5 of us had to duck behind chairs and coffee tables to avoid being seen.  And even then... the kids will say, "We know you're in there!" or "I saw them move!" 

What am I afraid of...? Why can't I open the door and hand them some candy and be over with? Or better yet... hand them some toothpaste? Or even better... share with them the truth behind Halloween?  Why did we have to be so surreptitious? 

This is gonna keep happening for years to come and the challenges will continue to mount.  But as for me and my family, "We will not compromise.  We will stand in the gap.  We will choose Jesus, every day of our lives." 

Mood: empty

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