Tuesday, November 30, 2010



...you've gone through life dating a bunch of girls and none of them have turned out right.  Then after years and years, decades upon decades of searching, yearning, praying... she shows up.  Out of the blue.

You two hit it off.  You're best friends.  Kindred spirits.  Soul mates.  If you two were any more perfect for one another, it must be because you're Adam and she's Eve.  Two years of the hottest most volcanic relationship and just when you think it can't get any better... you break up.  It was an amicable break up.  Things happen.  People change and so do you.  But you will never, ever forget those two magical years together. 

You don't forget until you find out she's now dating someone else -- which is fine.  You knew she was eventually going to find someone.  But now...

She's dating your mortal enemy.  The bully that's picked on you all your life.  The jerk that not only messes with you... but messes with anyone associated with you.  The jerk that lives for the purpose of making your life miserable.  She, whom you once loved with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.... is now frolicking with the enemy.
Sigh.... why did you have to go? Why.... WHY!?.... OF ALL THE PLACES...WHY GO THERE!?!?!?!?

Mood: betrayed

1 comment:

Roy2000 said...

Or think in the reversed way, you have wasted 2-3 years of her time. And you are the one who started this, but you now just can't accept how it is finished.