Friday, December 17, 2010

Nui-stones at 18 months

Nui-nui turns 18 months today.  Happy Birthday Nui-nui!!!!

Most notable recent Nui-stones....

  1. At her 18h month checkup - turns out she gained 3 lbs and 3 inches since her last visit at 15 months.  She went from 20th percentile in weight to 50th percentile.  She went from 30th percentile in height to 75th percentile. Naturally...I ask the pediatrician if we need to be concern about obesity. 
  2. Can drink soup/milk from a bowl.... like a real Chinese.  YEAH!!!!!
  3. Officially lost her first shoe.  $20 down the drain...and she only wore it once.  Sigh...
  4. Potty training moving on very well.  Absolutely amazing how much slower we're using diapers lately.
  5. Spoke her first sentence...  but jaw droppingly her first sentence is "I don't want to."  And this isn't just once or twice... it's recurring.  As a father, I give myself a grade of C+.  I don't get an F cuz at least 1) she can speak and 2) I'll want her to say that when she's 17-18.  HA! 
  6. Gave Nui-nui her first timeout. =(
  7. Eats four bowls of Cheerios in the morning
  8. Almost has enough hair now...where we can almost use a brush to almost comb her hair...
  9. Kisses mommy's tummy every night before sleeping... Awwww....
Mood: thankful

1 comment:

JL said...


First time-out already?! She is growing up fast!