Monday, December 27, 2010

Potty mouth

Do you remember who taught you your first cuss word? I remember my brother first taught me the word "stupid" and I never looked back.

But that's probably more the exception than the norm.  My dear Nui-nui's vocabulary has been expanding... expanding indeed.

When she sees us getting ready for dinner, she'll automatically pull out her chair and start saying "Sit! Sit!"  Only...instead of the "Essss..." sound of the letter "S", she's making a "Shhhh..." sound  And the cool thing is, she doesn't just say it before meals.  She says it everywhere.

Oh... and then another one we discovered. She's learning her utensil names. Y'know... spoon, knife and fork.  But her tongue isn't developed to roll out the "R" sound... so instead of "fork..." it sounds more like, uhm... "fok."  And's not really "fok"... but it's how she makes it rhyme with the word "luck" that's the kicker!!

Should really stick a bar of soap in her mouth if she wasn't so cute!

Mood: forken sitty

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