Monday, August 15, 2011

Where have the blogs gone?

Went through my bookmarks today and found a folder called "Blogs."  So I slowly went through each and every blog / xanga only to find a broken links, deserted sites and abandoned lives once traversed by hundreds if not thousands. 

Still remember the days when I had to beg for an invitation to LiveJournal.  Then I migrated to Blogger only to find it in battle with xanga.  There was a time when Xanga sucked away everyone I knew away from blogger - mainly because it allowed people to know when you last updated your posts.  So many people used the excuse "more features" or "ease of use" for the migration.  I think they just wanted the attention.  Especially when they would update their xanga with "I just updated my blog! Go check it out!" 

Slowly and surely... people enjoyed the ease of 140 character updates...or Facebook status updates over coherent thoughts and ideas.  And as less and less people paid attention (or cared)... people were attracted to the next means to gain attention.  Nothing wrong with that... merely an obeservation.

Since 2005, I remained loyal.  Mostly because my blog wasn't written for anyone in particular.  It's a place for me to vent... a place for me to verbalize... a place for me to capture my thoughts for that moment in time.  

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