Friday, June 29, 2012


Funny.... on the night of our little elite groups' graduation dinner, we had 4 tables.

The table I sat on.... had 4 females 5 males.  Of the 9 people... 5 were Asian.  1 African American.  1 Hispanic. The Caucasian... was a female. 

There was one table on the other side of the room.... 9 white male. 

Interesting.... why it happens that way? Who knows...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Man's Greatest Fear

So I heard that statistically, the greatest fear known to man is not the fear of dying... or fear of heights...or fear of commitment.  Rather, it's public speaking.

(So this post is completely narcissistic.  Yikes!)

Getting up in front of friends, family, strangers, executives, customers.... the stomach knots up.  The heart pounds. Your temple is vibrating. Your knees are literally a point you wonder if people can see it.  Your mind goes blank for one second.  Next second, it races through your entire speech.  This irritating anxiety is lurking somewhere between your chest and your diaphragm...screaming to be extinguished.

I have that fear.  I'm a victim.

But y'know.... I love all those emotions, all those feelings. Well, not the feelings themselves.  I love that cathartic moment, that instantaneous snap of time, where you open your mouth... listen to your very own echoes and all those feelings are purged out onto the audience.

Last night... after just 30 minutes of writing that speech, I stood in front of the banquet hall and rocked it.  From the opening second, when I stood on the opposite side of the room... to my first unintentional joke that warmed up the audience... to holding the audience by their collar...leading them from one joke to the next...then going silent for 2 seconds before the punch line... to the final words, "I love you" that brought down the house.  And I absolutely love it when people come up to me and say, "Great speech!" or "That was awesome."  As much humble pie as I want to eat... I am flattered.  And I've learned that being overly humble is actually an insult.  So instead of saying, "No... it wasn't that good." or "It could've been better."  I simply acknowledge their recognition and move on.

I won't say I'm not gifted... .but I'm certainly not a natural.

I still remember the time in 6th grade when I literally froze on the stage and forgot my speech.  Or 9th grade...when I  made a speech, or rather, read my speech with my mouth to the mic and face to the podium.  Those wounds I still carry with me.  Those scars made me who I am.

I once even toyed with the idea of being a public speaking coach.  I mean.... if I truly have this skill... and I seem like I do... why not impart it? Articulate it? Share it?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

It's for her own good...

I've decided, my little girl will marry a Chinese - one that speaks Cantonese, to be specific.

Today at the park, a little Caucasian boy was chasing Nui-nui around.  He may have been playful.  He may have been nice.  He may have been only 3.  But at that moment, I decided, my future son-in-law will be Chinese.  And more importantly...his Chinese must be better than mine.  His English must be better than mine.  And most importantly, he must be funnier than me! 

My son, on the other hand, the world is your oyster boy!! Have at it!!! Woot! Woot!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


家, 是愛的起點.
漫遊人生路, 腳步疲乏時到安樂窩聊聊,
溫暖的藏身處, 既熟悉又穩妥, 重新得力再上路去.

有家, 便有情, 有望, 有信, 有延續, 有承傳, 有愛,

您... 愛回家嗎?



Sunday, June 10, 2012

Son of a #&!^@*$!

Noticing how I rarely if ever write a post solely for my son... Here's a memorable one....

Today at Pizza My Heart... we find that Bebe loves (absolutely adores) MUSHROOMS!!! MUSHROOMS!!!!


THAT SON OF A #&!^@*$! LOVES MUSHROOMS!!!??!?!?!??!

High Maintenance

Recently, I've gone through a huuuuuuuuuge string of piss-poor service.

For Joyce's birthday at the Plumed Horse... dinner lasted 3 friggin hours.  Worst yet... it was chef's menu (aka a set menu!!)

Down in Anaheim, we were having dinner.  When another big group showed up...and we were the closest to be done, the owner and the waitresses did everything they can do the hurry us away. 

The other night while having dinner with our buds... the restaurant wasn't even packed! But the waiter kept coming back and back and back to ask Cecy if she was done with her plate. 

Tonight at JLP.. I ordered one of my favorite 生炒糯米飯.  I easily waited 15 minutes before finally asking them to look into it.  I gave them the benefit of the doubt...cuz it does take time to cook.  And we had the kids with us anyways.  But after another 10 minutes...and Bebe getting restless.... I had to cancel it.  But the waiter gave me such "wonderful" attitude.  The bill was $21.11.  I gave $22.  If I had $0.11, I would've given the exact amount. 

As I review this...I ask the question, "Where is good service these days????"  And I think I slowly realize... the service ain't that bad.  I'm just HIGH MAINTENANCE.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

The OTHER age old question...

For you married folks.... or living with someone and you share a tube of toothpaste, should you squeeze from the bottom? or the middle?

Well.... the answer for YOU is....100%, without a shadow of a doubt, the BOTTOM.  Why?????

See.... my wife squeezes from the middle.  And unlike me, who squeeze from the bottom, I can keep moving on up from the bottom until I get to the top.  In other words, there will always be a bottom.  But for she who squeezes from the middle, once she flattens it... she's done.

Hence, I realize that it is my job... to make sure she has a fat and chubby "middle" to squeeze every time she brushes her teeth.  Which means.... I squeeze from the bottom to enable her to have the full enjoyment of squeezing from the middle. That is a loving husband... I am the ultimate giver.  And she's the ultimate receiver. :)

Now the "other" question....? Toilet paper over the top, or under the bottom? I'll save that for another post.

Sunday, June 03, 2012 it the same? or have i changed?

So the much awaited vacation ended with a trip good ol' faithful Firestone Grill in SLO.  And to my dismay... I think I've gotten to a point where the food is probably just as good as the memories.

There was a time where the food was gold.  The juicy chicken.  The tender trip tip.  And the seasoned fries.

But this trip truly was eye opening.  After sucking down an ABC Burger - which was simply above average

Maybe this is an aberration.  Only the next trip will tell, eh?

Saturday, June 02, 2012

happy hour... phew

After 5 days of driving...waiting in lines... packing, unpacking.... dealing with mood swings and attitudes... we finally arrive in Morro Bay.  Shortly after checking in.... in find the have a "wine pouring" hour.

Skip the glass...just pour the wine into my mouth.  Oh baby....those two glasses of red truly hit the spot.  Would've preferred a cold one (or two). 

Friday, June 01, 2012

Disneyland and California Adventures

Been over 10 years since I've stepped into the "Happiest Place on Earth."  Last time I was here... I was a new college grad.  Boatload of debt.  Single.  Young.  Energetic.  Naive.  My how things have changed...

This was a new experience.  We decided to go all outs and stay at the Disney Resort right in the heart of Disneyland and California Adventures.  Didn't pay premium price...but it certainly wasn't cheap either.  The main thing was...we wanted some place close that didn't require us to drive back to the hotel for nap time.  As it turned out... that was the 2nd wisest decision we made.  The first bring a friggin' rice cooker.  More on that later.

Disneyland has gotten smaller than I remember.  Joyce and I literally got done with California Adventures in half a day.  And likewise, we got done with Disneyland within 2 hours - since we had early admission prior to the general public.  A lot of things we decided to skip...or didn't bother waiting in line for.  The rest of the time...we either spent in line with Nui-nui (the kiddie rides) or we spent in the hotel pool.

As for the kiddie rides.... at Nui-nui's age...   it's more torture than enjoyment.  First of all... she has no concept of waiting in lines.  So to be in line for 30 minutes, and seeing people get on and off rides is a unfair...and unfathomable.  And after 30 minutes of tortuous waiting... they finally get to enjoy the 2 minute ride.  Oh boy!! As the ride comes to an end, they scream in terror...cuz they want it to continue or want to "do it again!" 
Torture for the kids?? Or torture for the parent who has to pull their crying child off the ride...only to reveal to them the truth about life.... it's UNFAIR.  Sigh...

As always.. and as expected... "It's A Small World" was the favorite ride.  But the favorite moment (or moments) have got to be seeing the princesses.  "AHHH!!!"  Forget any tiredness...any slumber... any hunger.  Once she saw Snow White walk out.... Nui-nui was more awake than a child who just inhaled an espresso at a Toys r Us.   Course...that excitement took it's toll.  We had reservations at Aerial's Grotto for Lunch with the Princesses.  And due to some miscommunication (or no communication), we almost missed it.  Have never seen Joyce so peeved....she was so angry she was on the verge of tears.  And all her precious daughter (our precious daughter) can have those "AHHHH!" moments. be a parent.  To be a loving mother.

Back to the rice cooker.  When that first idea was brought was nothing more than a joke. Who brings a rice cooker to vacation? To Disneyland!?!  But nonetheless...we had it.  And was invaluable.  We needed to heat up (or almost had to cook) porridge for Bebe who still only eats one thing and one thing only.  None of the hotels we lived at had personal microwaves and there's no way they'll let us use the staff kitchen.  So each day...we fired up the rice cooker before we left the hotel room.  Furthermore... the ricecooker allowed us to make some simple breakfast and snack - macaroni, spam, chicken soup.  After 2-3 days of bacon and eggs... one really has to go to something else.  Embarrassing?? Sure. But practical.  Definitely!! 

I'd be remissed if I didn't mention Star Tours.  The one ride that made this trip worthwhile.  And in fact, I got to go on it twice.  With the average wait time being 60 minutes despite having 5 screens.  And with the fastpass times being 4-5 hours beyond the time it was available... I was lucky enough to have early park admission where the wait time was 5 minutes.  The ride itself was nothing compared to the very very first time (circa 1988?) that I rode this ride.  But was still an experience of experiences.

There's still a million and one things to write about.  The fact that Nui-nui hated the ugly characters and loved the cute characters..... how Bebe loved all kinds of characters, with no fear.... the outpouring of memories of the previous trips with my family.... the food excursions we took while in SoCal.... the fact that I'm a planner and I hate when things go unplanned or awry..... but most of all.... I will cherish those few moments where Joyce and I were able to spend time alone, embracing one another.  Regardless of where we are...that is truly the happiest place on earth.