Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Man's Greatest Fear

So I heard that statistically, the greatest fear known to man is not the fear of dying... or fear of heights...or fear of commitment.  Rather, it's public speaking.

(So this post is completely narcissistic.  Yikes!)

Getting up in front of friends, family, strangers, executives, customers.... the stomach knots up.  The heart pounds. Your temple is vibrating. Your knees are literally a point you wonder if people can see it.  Your mind goes blank for one second.  Next second, it races through your entire speech.  This irritating anxiety is lurking somewhere between your chest and your diaphragm...screaming to be extinguished.

I have that fear.  I'm a victim.

But y'know.... I love all those emotions, all those feelings. Well, not the feelings themselves.  I love that cathartic moment, that instantaneous snap of time, where you open your mouth... listen to your very own echoes and all those feelings are purged out onto the audience.

Last night... after just 30 minutes of writing that speech, I stood in front of the banquet hall and rocked it.  From the opening second, when I stood on the opposite side of the room... to my first unintentional joke that warmed up the audience... to holding the audience by their collar...leading them from one joke to the next...then going silent for 2 seconds before the punch line... to the final words, "I love you" that brought down the house.  And I absolutely love it when people come up to me and say, "Great speech!" or "That was awesome."  As much humble pie as I want to eat... I am flattered.  And I've learned that being overly humble is actually an insult.  So instead of saying, "No... it wasn't that good." or "It could've been better."  I simply acknowledge their recognition and move on.

I won't say I'm not gifted... .but I'm certainly not a natural.

I still remember the time in 6th grade when I literally froze on the stage and forgot my speech.  Or 9th grade...when I  made a speech, or rather, read my speech with my mouth to the mic and face to the podium.  Those wounds I still carry with me.  Those scars made me who I am.

I once even toyed with the idea of being a public speaking coach.  I mean.... if I truly have this skill... and I seem like I do... why not impart it? Articulate it? Share it?

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