Tuesday, June 05, 2012

The OTHER age old question...

For you married folks.... or living with someone and you share a tube of toothpaste, should you squeeze from the bottom? or the middle?

Well.... the answer for YOU is....100%, without a shadow of a doubt, the BOTTOM.  Why?????

See.... my wife squeezes from the middle.  And unlike me, who squeeze from the bottom, I can keep moving on up from the bottom until I get to the top.  In other words, there will always be a bottom.  But for she who squeezes from the middle, once she flattens it... she's done.

Hence, I realize that it is my job... to make sure she has a fat and chubby "middle" to squeeze every time she brushes her teeth.  Which means.... I squeeze from the bottom to enable her to have the full enjoyment of squeezing from the middle. That is why....as a loving husband... I am the ultimate giver.  And she's the ultimate receiver. :)

Now the "other" question....? Toilet paper over the top, or under the bottom? I'll save that for another post.

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