Sunday, June 10, 2012

High Maintenance

Recently, I've gone through a huuuuuuuuuge string of piss-poor service.

For Joyce's birthday at the Plumed Horse... dinner lasted 3 friggin hours.  Worst yet... it was chef's menu (aka a set menu!!)

Down in Anaheim, we were having dinner.  When another big group showed up...and we were the closest to be done, the owner and the waitresses did everything they can do the hurry us away. 

The other night while having dinner with our buds... the restaurant wasn't even packed! But the waiter kept coming back and back and back to ask Cecy if she was done with her plate. 

Tonight at JLP.. I ordered one of my favorite 生炒糯米飯.  I easily waited 15 minutes before finally asking them to look into it.  I gave them the benefit of the doubt...cuz it does take time to cook.  And we had the kids with us anyways.  But after another 10 minutes...and Bebe getting restless.... I had to cancel it.  But the waiter gave me such "wonderful" attitude.  The bill was $21.11.  I gave $22.  If I had $0.11, I would've given the exact amount. 

As I review this...I ask the question, "Where is good service these days????"  And I think I slowly realize... the service ain't that bad.  I'm just HIGH MAINTENANCE.

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