Thursday, August 27, 2015

A house divided

Dad finally moved out of the place we've lived in since we first immigrated to America. Ironically... he's moved into the same Retirement Home as mom.

Who would've thought my parents will be separated.  Who would've thunk that they would live separate lives... only 1000 feet away from one another? Who would've thunk... that for the next however many years they're alive... that I can drive to the place... and visit both of them!!

God.... if this is some kind of joke.... it's hardly funny!!!!!

So now.... for the rest of their lives.... I need to balance my visitation time between the two? The two who raised me, fed me, taught me and cared for me??  I have to make a trip... ONE trip.... and be sure to cut out enough time to for both? In the past... I can make an excuse to visit one and not the other.  Because they were too far apart (a 10 minute drive).  Now that they're physically in the same friggin' building... what am I to do?!???!

Put to a test tonight. 

Went out to visit dad.... and his new "bachelor" pad. And it's hard to not compare the living situation between the two.  His place is so.... homey.  So.... organized.  He cooked dinner for the four of us.  It was delicious.  He rarely cooked... the 18 years I lived at home.  He never made soup.... the 18 years I lived at home.  Now.... he's on his own.  And in some weird way... I think he's surviving better than mom.

We had to hurry to finish dinner... cuz the night is short.  After dinner... we said our goodbyes to dad and went to visit mom.  An awkward 10 minutes with mom and it was time to go.  Upon leaving... it was all mom can talk about.... dad dad dad.  Oh geez.....

And the kids.  Nui nui even spat out... "i don't want to marry people like grandma and grandpa" 
I asked, "you mean, they're much much older than you?"
She said, "no... people that will separate and not talk to one another."

In their naïve, perfectionist world.... divorce is unthinkable, unfathomable.  And I know... deep down... they resent the idea that their grandparents are divorced. 

So what now???  While driving home.... my body was numb.  I didn't know how to feel.  Didn't know how to think.  What am I to do from now on??

One thing is for certain...... dad now has a parking spot in a covered garage.  Something we NEVER EVER had at 1090.  That, in itself, is worth more than it's weight in gold.

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