Friday, August 14, 2015

Remodel - Day 40

Going through some ups and downs.... And getting on edge with the GC. The ups... The addition is almost up. 

The downs... Tension with the GC.

Everything snowballed last week. We found he was using a cheaper grade of copper pipes than previously promised. We found he was using our ladder and hose without asking... When the contract says he won't touch my things. We found his crew drinking my water... Without asking. We found him using my garage when he previously said he won't touch it... Again without asking. This got to a point where I wrote an official letter of complaint. 

Then it really started to get messy. Out of nowhere he decides he won't pick up our tub. Then when we pick it up... We found he added stuff onto our invoice without asking. His measurements are "a bit off." So now we have to double check all his work. And lastly... His crew worked on weekends, to a point our neighbor called to complain. 

It'll only get messier from here. No doubt.

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