Friday, September 25, 2015

Nn in trouble

Got our first email EVER saying that nn is misbehaving at school. She got "emotional" and "upset."

Wow... Wonder where she gets it from. 

Ppl always says she looks like Joyce. Guess there's ur answer. BOOM!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Time for a haircut

Far too often... SW is being mistaken for a girl.  He does look like NN in many ways.  And the long hair isn't help!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Not Of This World

I will not compromise.
I will stand in the gap.
I will choose Jesus every day of my life.

The words I hope to live by.  The words I hope NN and SW will also live by.

Today... NN was challenged at school to compromise her beliefs.  Her school held a "Talk Like a Pirate Day."  Earlier this week... without us cueing her... NN already told her teachers.  "Pirates are bad. I do not celebrate pirates. I also do not celebrate Halloween.  I won't dress up like a pirate."  Made us so proud of her.

But today... when Joyce dropped her off everyone, from the principal... to all the teachers... to all the students dressed up and spoke like pirates today.  And there was pirate music in the background along with a plank.  She was one of three students who didn't dress up.

We prayed for her.  We prayed for her to be strong.  We prayed for her to say those very words.... "I will not compromise......"

When picking her up after school.... our precious little NN was as happy as a clam.  No problem.

Emmanuel... Jesus is with her!!! 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Honest mistake

Twice in two days... Nn said "Hi" to a complete stranger, thinking they were her school friends.

Both times... she was adamant that those are her friends!!!  Without a shadow of a doubt!! 

I ask her how she can be so sure...she tells me, "I recognize their parents." 

Yeah..... one parent was a "typical" Asian mom with a petite build and long hair.  You see dozens of those at Valley Fair.

The other parent was an Indian with an athletic build wearing a polo.  That's 1/2 of the engineers in Silicon Valley.

Good job Nn.... you've just confirmed what the Anglo's have said about us all these years: We all look alike?

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Parent Teacher Night

First Parent/Teacher Night at NN's new school.

Dunno why... but feel so dejected and rejected.  As much as I should love this school (and I probably will) I just don't have a good feeling.

Is it the billionaire housewives/moms in the audience? Maybe....
Is it the fact that my daughter is in an over-enrolled class? Maybe...
Is it because their drop off and pick up methodology is pathetic? Perhaps...
Is it because no one uses their afterschool program? Cuz all the moms don't have to work and can pick up their kids?
Is it cuz this school is so conservative and sexist... that only Moms can have a prayer group? Or a "Class Mom?" or the principal's email goes ONLY to the mom? (

It's just like Sts. Peter and Paul when I was a kid there.  I was the poorest kid in the class.  And it seems like the same for Nn.  She's gonna struggle socially with the rest of the kids. And I'm gonna be stuck with "keeping up with the Jones."

Speaking with her teachers... it's not surprising that Nn already made an impression.  She's more advanced than the curriculum (thanks Ms. Singh!!!) and her demeanor makes her so lovable.  I'm worried that she doesn't have any friends yet.... but c'mon... she's 6.  No one has friends.  Everyone has friends. 

Makes me wonder.... if we should try and wait list at that OTHER school. 

Regardless....NN comes home happy.  I guess that's all that matters.

Oh....and the night started and ended in prayer.  That's wonderful.

Monday, September 07, 2015



最成功之處,同老婆去睇appliance, 我負責看住兩個細。未去之前已經喊住走。我唯有展開童真同佢地玩!竟然玩到唔願走!

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Remodel - Day 62

Sunrise sunset. The sand falls through the hour glass. The second hand continues to traverse the circumference of the clock. And drip-drip-drip... Water continues to leak at the front of my house. They still don't get it.

We're in a drought. They're so careless. Had to call them and tell them to get a plumber. If they don't get one... I'll get one. And then I'll bill them for ruining my house!!

All this a week after the infamous blowup between the city... The architect... The GC and the owner.  The city redlined the plans. The plans were approved! The GC tried building the house... But the redlined are unbuilable. The architect gets defensive and unwillingly makes them changes. Who's at fault?!?! 

Classify this as a round of bad luck.

It's my fault. My fault for launching into this venture of remodeling. I ended up paying for the change of plans and the ECP in modifying the build. Let alone the time lost in this change.

Here's a pic of that infamous beam that won't fit.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015