Sunday, September 06, 2015

Remodel - Day 62

Sunrise sunset. The sand falls through the hour glass. The second hand continues to traverse the circumference of the clock. And drip-drip-drip... Water continues to leak at the front of my house. They still don't get it.

We're in a drought. They're so careless. Had to call them and tell them to get a plumber. If they don't get one... I'll get one. And then I'll bill them for ruining my house!!

All this a week after the infamous blowup between the city... The architect... The GC and the owner.  The city redlined the plans. The plans were approved! The GC tried building the house... But the redlined are unbuilable. The architect gets defensive and unwillingly makes them changes. Who's at fault?!?! 

Classify this as a round of bad luck.

It's my fault. My fault for launching into this venture of remodeling. I ended up paying for the change of plans and the ECP in modifying the build. Let alone the time lost in this change.

Here's a pic of that infamous beam that won't fit.

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