Friday, September 18, 2015

Not Of This World

I will not compromise.
I will stand in the gap.
I will choose Jesus every day of my life.

The words I hope to live by.  The words I hope NN and SW will also live by.

Today... NN was challenged at school to compromise her beliefs.  Her school held a "Talk Like a Pirate Day."  Earlier this week... without us cueing her... NN already told her teachers.  "Pirates are bad. I do not celebrate pirates. I also do not celebrate Halloween.  I won't dress up like a pirate."  Made us so proud of her.

But today... when Joyce dropped her off everyone, from the principal... to all the teachers... to all the students dressed up and spoke like pirates today.  And there was pirate music in the background along with a plank.  She was one of three students who didn't dress up.

We prayed for her.  We prayed for her to be strong.  We prayed for her to say those very words.... "I will not compromise......"

When picking her up after school.... our precious little NN was as happy as a clam.  No problem.

Emmanuel... Jesus is with her!!! 

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