Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Parent Teacher Night

First Parent/Teacher Night at NN's new school.

Dunno why... but feel so dejected and rejected.  As much as I should love this school (and I probably will) I just don't have a good feeling.

Is it the billionaire housewives/moms in the audience? Maybe....
Is it the fact that my daughter is in an over-enrolled class? Maybe...
Is it because their drop off and pick up methodology is pathetic? Perhaps...
Is it because no one uses their afterschool program? Cuz all the moms don't have to work and can pick up their kids?
Is it cuz this school is so conservative and sexist... that only Moms can have a prayer group? Or a "Class Mom?" or the principal's email goes ONLY to the mom? (

It's just like Sts. Peter and Paul when I was a kid there.  I was the poorest kid in the class.  And it seems like the same for Nn.  She's gonna struggle socially with the rest of the kids. And I'm gonna be stuck with "keeping up with the Jones."

Speaking with her teachers... it's not surprising that Nn already made an impression.  She's more advanced than the curriculum (thanks Ms. Singh!!!) and her demeanor makes her so lovable.  I'm worried that she doesn't have any friends yet.... but c'mon... she's 6.  No one has friends.  Everyone has friends. 

Makes me wonder.... if we should try and wait list at that OTHER school. 

Regardless....NN comes home happy.  I guess that's all that matters.

Oh....and the night started and ended in prayer.  That's wonderful.

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