Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Wisdom of Solomon

Been on a streak recently... blogging about how I punish the kids.

This time they got caught fighting over a toy.  They knew they were in trouble... but they didn't know how much trouble they were in.  They have us figured out... good cop bad cop.  When one parent is the enforcer, the other parent will come to the rescue.  Not this time.

So I go into the room and grab their night light.  And I say, "I will spank one of you, not both.  I'm going to throw this night light.  The person who catches it... will spare getting spanked."

I toss it up... Nn obviously catches it.  She's taller, faster and probably understood the rules.  SW stood there helplessly... not knowing what happened... except he was gonna get spanked.  I felt bad... so I did it again.  This time, ensuring SW had a chance to catch it.  He grabs it and Nn is scared. 

She starts crying, "I don't want to get spanked."

I say, "Ok... if I don't spank you, do you want me to spank SW?"

She says, "I don't want him to be spanked and I don't want to get spanked either."

So I turn to SW... "Do you want to get spanked?"

He shakes his head.

Then I said, "Do you want me to spank gah-jeh?"

He nods!!! 

It took me all I had to keep from laughing.....  #&@%&!*  What do I do now?????

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Power Outage

Had a power outage last night. Without anything to do... I went to sleep at 9pm and woke up at 5am. 8 hrs of sleep. Wow!!  We should have power outages more often. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Punishment - WITH AUTHORITY!!! and honor....

Nn has been doing headstands on her couch and bed.  Kids have a much more flexible body and chances are, she won't get hurt. Heck, I remember doing that when I was young. But I can't take the chance.  So after 2-3 warnings today (TODAY!!!) she did it again and she got punished.

I made her stand aside. And started questioning her what she did wrong.

Right away, she knew.

Ok... now instead of me berating her and threatening to punish her, I ask her, "How do you want me to punish you??"

Her first response, "Instead of you... I'll have mah-mee take me to school tomorrow."

(Awwwwww........ she thinks that bah-bee taking her to school is a gift and blessing!!! How sweeet!!!!!)

But I couldn't let that moment of glory ruin the moment. I was still trying to teach her a lesson.

She ended up saying, "No dessert tomorrow."


But woot!! woot!! Bah-bee rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Sunday, November 08, 2015


今日小華做錯野,我要佢罰企。 罰企係由七點十七分開始, 我同佢講望住個鐘, 七點二十分就可以走。 

我就行開咗落樓下做啲野,七點二十六分返到上嚟,小華仍然企喺度,冇郁過。 佢阿媽問佢點解企係到, 小華答佢阿媽媽話,「爸B唔返嚟,叫我可以郁,我自己長期企喺度。」


Thursday, November 05, 2015

Library book

Went to library again today... And picked up this book for nui nui. 😬

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Time Machine

Been wanting to bring the kids to the San Jose Main Library for a while now.  But it's a little out of the way and there's no free parking (except on Sundays).  When we got there...and walked by the Tully's Coffee cafe, an immense wave of emotions rushed at me.  Martin Luther King Jr. was the first "obstacle" at Joseph Fellowship's 1st Amazing Race. 

Still remember setting up the entire race. Still remember sitting in the cafe... and one by one... members of Joseph Fellowship shows up for their challenge.  Still remember walking around the library with Joyce, weeks ahead, planning everything. Coming up with the silliest challenges. 

Where has the creativity gone? Why can't we do stuff like that anymore? And if we did do that... would people even want to play?

I almost wanna say... life was much simpler back then. 

And the final leg of the race... was our house warming party.  Wow... it's been 10 years already.