Sunday, November 01, 2015

Time Machine

Been wanting to bring the kids to the San Jose Main Library for a while now.  But it's a little out of the way and there's no free parking (except on Sundays).  When we got there...and walked by the Tully's Coffee cafe, an immense wave of emotions rushed at me.  Martin Luther King Jr. was the first "obstacle" at Joseph Fellowship's 1st Amazing Race. 

Still remember setting up the entire race. Still remember sitting in the cafe... and one by one... members of Joseph Fellowship shows up for their challenge.  Still remember walking around the library with Joyce, weeks ahead, planning everything. Coming up with the silliest challenges. 

Where has the creativity gone? Why can't we do stuff like that anymore? And if we did do that... would people even want to play?

I almost wanna say... life was much simpler back then. 

And the final leg of the race... was our house warming party.  Wow... it's been 10 years already. 

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