Thursday, March 31, 2016


I'm an uncle!!! 

I mean.... I was an uncle 9 months ago, upon conception.
I've been an uncle for 3 years with my brother/sister in law.  But this is my nephew by blood. In Chinese culture, he is my "son."  He is Nn and Sw's "little bother" or 堂細佬. 

His name..... surprisingly..... is 齊天.  小名: 大聖.

Of course.  It's the year of the Monkey, afterall. 

梁齊天 - Clark Leung

Never in a million years, would I have named my kid those names.  But that's the one special authority a father has -- naming his child. An extremely special name and quite fitting.  Big bro would never name his kids Luke and Leia. Nor would he base his children's name on the Bible.  That's just not him.

And in the end.... it was too perfect. 

For the rest of his life... when we call my nephew's name... we will literally be saying "He's equal to the sky" or he's the "great big saint."  Literally.  That is simply calling out his future...calling out his potential.  Love it!!! 

At the moment 齊天 was born tho... SW lost his place as 長子的孫 and lost his place as the next male in the Leung Family.  But frankly... who the heck cares. 

I have a nephew.  SW has a little brother. much as she wanted a little sister... is totally in love with her little brother.  And big bro.... he finally realized his dream above all dreams.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Remodel - Done (or is it?) Day 259

Finally moved home today. Now we'll really start seeing the flaws of the remodel job. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Never An Unanswered Prayer - 21 Day Prayer Journey

With a blink of an eye... another year's Deeper Life Conference has come on and gone.  In preparation for this year's event, church encouraged us to take part in a 21 day prayer journey with a prayer partner.  For 21 straight days, my partner and I engaged in at least 15 minutes of steadfast prayer.  We prayed at our house, we prayed over Facetime, we prayed over the phone, WhatsApp, and even when we were both driving!!  Towards the end, we both ended up having business trips. He went to Mexico and I went to Denver.  The WiFi at our hotels were so spotty, we couldn't hear each other over IP.  And thus, we didn't quite complete the journey.

A lot can be said about this "nearly" completed journey.  I can testify the breakthrough in my prayer life.  I can share about God's faithfulness in answering prayers.  I can describe how prayer is so much easier if we spend half our time listening instead of yapping. 

But the one single biggest takeaway from the 21* days is.... I felt like I totally and utterly cheated on my wife; and not just your typical tabloid sexual rendezvous with a call girl.  This was cheating was on a spiritual level.  For 21* days, I set aside 15 precious minutes with another brother to engage in intimate prayer.  15 minutes, in this day and age, is worth it's weight in gold.  15 minutes, in this era of information superhighway, is like an eternity.  I don't even remember the last time I prayed with my wife for 15 minutes straight... let alone 21 days* of 15 minutes.  My helper.  My better half.  She who completes me.  Yet... I can do something with a brother who has an extremely odd work schedule, but I can't do it with the person I lie next to every night??  

Earlier this year... I had a time of meditation with God.  And His revelation to me was simple: To achieve more godliness and holiness... I must start with my wife.  Love my wife more!!

A couple of months ago... during a time of intercession... we prayed for "New Beginnings" and "New Wineskin."  My prophetic revelation at the time was, "For all the times we tried and failed to establish our Family Prayer Altar, we will NOW succeed." 

Those two revelations, though causally separate, is mutually inclusive.  Along with my realization of needing to pray with my wife, I think the confirmation is here.  In order to establish a flourishing and lasting family altar, I can not start with the entire family and have the kids join us.  I must start with my wife and only my wife.  5 minutes... 10 minutes... 15 minutes.  Pray with my wife every night and let the kids watch.  Let the kids see that mom and dad are doing this as part of our daily lives.  Slowly the kids will get curious, "Why are mom and dad yelling?" "Are they arguing?"  Gradually, they will sit down and listen... and before you know it... prayer time between the two will be come our family altar. 

Yes it is awkward.  Yes it will be "time consuming."  And there will be nights where I'll just want to finish the chores, put the kids to bed and crash.  But three times... three times the Lord has reached out and spoke to me.  Dare I say No?  Or should I whisper the famous words of Samuel, "Yes Lord, Here I am." 

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Christian Living

As part of my new year's resolution, I wanted to read one spiritual book every 3 months (4 books in a year).  Seeing how Q1 is coming to an end... I went shopping at the airport bookstore.  The selection is sparse.  A lot of Christian Living books.  Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyers.... all these famous pastor/evangelists. 

And while I'm thumbing through them... do I realize these books are all the same!!  Same topics... same angles... same realizations.  Positive attitude... know you are God's child... finding your gifts/talents, etc... etc....

Then it hit me.... I can write these books.  I might not be living these lives... but I certainly know exactly what to write, if I had to. 

Then it hit me even harder.... I can write these books and I know all these topics so well... it's because of SJCAC.  This church family truly shapes you in so many ways, spiritually, soulfully, physically.

I put the books back on the shelf... walked out of the bookstore and mockingly laffed.... "What a waste of money." 

The one book I did want to buy, but didn't cuz it costs $26, was "Mercy" by Pope Francis.  I'll order it on Amazon when paperback comes out.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Priestly prayer

Took a twist to a typical Sunday... instead of grilling...or asking the kids what they did in Sunday School today, I started the conversation by telling them, "Wanna hear what I learned during Adult Sunday Sermon??"

Told them about Leviticus 14:14, "The priest is to take some of the blood of the guilt offering and put it on the lobe of the right ear of the one to be cleansed, on the thumb of their right hand and on the big toe of their right foot." 

I asked them... why? Why the ear?? Why the thumb?? And why the big toe??

Without missing a beat. Nn says, "The ear... because you have to listen!! And the thumb...because the hand is for doing things!!"

And Siu Wah without wanting to be left out, chimes in, "The big toe because you have to walk!! To go places!!"

Wow.... they weren't even there.  And they hit the nail on the head, on exactly what Pastor John preached. 

Lesson learned #1 - kids are amazing
Lesson learned #2 - When they hear you share... they can't wait to share what they learned in Sunday School with you...

Thursday, March 03, 2016

林嘉怡 - Part 2

(a few weeks late...)

Only twice, have I dedicated a post to a woman other than my wife.  One was for my beloved Sandy Jeh.  And the other was to 林嘉怡.

This weekend, we had the rare opportunity to see two of my spiritual children -- the two who happened to marry one another. In some ways, they can be ranked as my eldest spiritual children.  It was around the time they came that I started emerging as a spiritual brother / spiritual parent.  I was actually a little annoyed to see that they were in the Bay Area, and didn't notify us.  How dare they!!

Then, on President's Day Monday, I happen to take the day off to take the kids to the city to visit their grandparents.  And while we're in the city, via Facebook, I see that Kayi and Daniel are a few miles away. 

We somehow found one another in Golden Gate Park on one of the busiest days of the year.  There were a million and one people trying to find parking, trying to get to the same destination we were aiming for.  And has luck would have it, we park across the street from one another.  Amazing.  Divine, even. 
They're married.  Oh my goodness.  They're married.  These two young naive kids.  They're full grown adults.  Both have jobs.  They're homeowners.  They're citizens and leaders of society.  But still... in my eyes, they will always be "kids."  Part of the reason is cuz they don't seem to age. HA!!! beautiful and glowing as the day we met.  Daniel... with that same goofy and naive smile that always calms any situation down. 

We chatted for over an hour... while waiting for Brian and Cecy.  Home life... church life... work life...  and just when we needed to part ways, they got a notice that their flight got delayed.  So we got to hung out longer. 

All good things must come to an end.... as was our rendezvous.  I got a little teary-eyed when I had to bid them farewell, once again.  But I hid that under my sunglasses.  I'm so proud of them.  So so proud of them.  For what they stand for...and for what they've accomplished.  In due time... they will have their own spiritual children.  And they too, will write a post like this one...   

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Remodel - Day 236

Yes we passed final inspection.  Yes we won't charge him a penalty fee.
But man... as we're walking through the house for our own final inspection... they have soooo many flaws!!  How do they ever turn the keys over to an owner?!?! 

We are soooooo at odds with the GC... i don't care if I don't ever see him ever again.  But I know I will.  The "come to Jesus" meeting will be historic if not legendary.  We should probably do it in a public place.  If we do it at home... who knows what kind of language will be used.  We'll need witnesses, just in case.  236 days into this.... and the worst is yet to come.