Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Christian Living

As part of my new year's resolution, I wanted to read one spiritual book every 3 months (4 books in a year).  Seeing how Q1 is coming to an end... I went shopping at the airport bookstore.  The selection is sparse.  A lot of Christian Living books.  Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyers.... all these famous pastor/evangelists. 

And while I'm thumbing through them... do I realize these books are all the same!!  Same topics... same angles... same realizations.  Positive attitude... know you are God's child... finding your gifts/talents, etc... etc....

Then it hit me.... I can write these books.  I might not be living these lives... but I certainly know exactly what to write, if I had to. 

Then it hit me even harder.... I can write these books and I know all these topics so well... it's because of SJCAC.  This church family truly shapes you in so many ways, spiritually, soulfully, physically.

I put the books back on the shelf... walked out of the bookstore and mockingly laffed.... "What a waste of money." 

The one book I did want to buy, but didn't cuz it costs $26, was "Mercy" by Pope Francis.  I'll order it on Amazon when paperback comes out.

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