Thursday, March 03, 2016

林嘉怡 - Part 2

(a few weeks late...)

Only twice, have I dedicated a post to a woman other than my wife.  One was for my beloved Sandy Jeh.  And the other was to 林嘉怡.

This weekend, we had the rare opportunity to see two of my spiritual children -- the two who happened to marry one another. In some ways, they can be ranked as my eldest spiritual children.  It was around the time they came that I started emerging as a spiritual brother / spiritual parent.  I was actually a little annoyed to see that they were in the Bay Area, and didn't notify us.  How dare they!!

Then, on President's Day Monday, I happen to take the day off to take the kids to the city to visit their grandparents.  And while we're in the city, via Facebook, I see that Kayi and Daniel are a few miles away. 

We somehow found one another in Golden Gate Park on one of the busiest days of the year.  There were a million and one people trying to find parking, trying to get to the same destination we were aiming for.  And has luck would have it, we park across the street from one another.  Amazing.  Divine, even. 
They're married.  Oh my goodness.  They're married.  These two young naive kids.  They're full grown adults.  Both have jobs.  They're homeowners.  They're citizens and leaders of society.  But still... in my eyes, they will always be "kids."  Part of the reason is cuz they don't seem to age. HA!!! beautiful and glowing as the day we met.  Daniel... with that same goofy and naive smile that always calms any situation down. 

We chatted for over an hour... while waiting for Brian and Cecy.  Home life... church life... work life...  and just when we needed to part ways, they got a notice that their flight got delayed.  So we got to hung out longer. 

All good things must come to an end.... as was our rendezvous.  I got a little teary-eyed when I had to bid them farewell, once again.  But I hid that under my sunglasses.  I'm so proud of them.  So so proud of them.  For what they stand for...and for what they've accomplished.  In due time... they will have their own spiritual children.  And they too, will write a post like this one...   

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