Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Emergency Room

Made another visit to the Emergency Room tonight...and this time, it was Siu Wah's turn.

We've been trying to figure out and overcome SW's food allergies.  We've always suspected him having nuts and dairy allergies.  Last month, we gave him some almonds and that's become his new favorite snack. Tonight, we introduced him to cashews.  And boy did we pay for that act.....

At 6:30PM he ate his 1 and only 1 cashew.  He immediately complained about a sore throat.  Not knowing if he was acting or not, we gave him some Benadryl.

Two hours later, after dinner and playing... he complained of a tummy ache.  Then when he was walking to the bathroom...he started vomiting, and vomiting, and vomiting some more. 

We then put him in a warm bath...and that ignited him breaking out in hives.  At one point, he rolled his eyes and looked like he was passing out.  Scared the living day lights out of us. 

So I took him to urgent care at 830PM (they close at 9PM).  Within second upon arrival... the receptionist called for "triage." The other receptionist ran to get a nurse.  I guess food allergies can't be dealt with lightly.

Praise God.... SW's reaction doesn't swell up his throat or tongue.  So he was able to breathe (and play with his iPhone).  Within minutes of being admitted to Urgent Care, they immediately sent us to the Emergency Room at the big hospital.

SW ended up being quite med'ed up.  And he got an epi shot on his thigh.... some mom was ready to do at any moment if SW's condition worsened.

Ah wel.... I guess we found out for sure one snack he IS allergic to.

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