Sunday, March 26, 2017

Perfectly good jeans... or not

Today... Joyce told me to get rid of my jeans.  She's had it.  She can't stand it anymore.

I've had these jeans for years... it's hard to find a pair of jeans that fit you, that don't shrink or get loose wash after wash... and is decent enough for work, church or casual wear.  Well... it turns out.... the jeans in general are in good condition, but the zipper is causing me problems. 

Apparently, the past few months, the zipper has gotten to a point where it creases together and creates a bump -- making it look like... uhm.... I'm having a normal, male physiological reaction.  Hmm....  not to say it hasn't happened in a public place for whatever reason... but according to Joyce... it's happening too often, to a point where someone (don't know who's even looking) will misunderstand the situation. 

Perfectly good jeans... now I have to donate them cuz it creates a bump where it shouldn't.  Great.... now I have to go shopping.  Ugh....

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