Monday, May 08, 2017


After a phone screen... after 3 on-sites.... I finally got this email today:
Hi Henry,

Thanks so much for your interest in XXXXXX and this position alike. I did receive feedback from the team. Overall, the team is looking for additional relevancy for this specific role. 

I will continue to keep you in mind for future roles as well. Thanks again for your interest in XXXXXX and this role alike.
I was so bummed when I got the email.  I had such high hopes.  Not that I was going to take the job, necessarily.  But after going through so many rounds, and feeling like I killed it every round, this came as a shocker.  It's humbling... it's shell-shocking... it's a reality check.

Makes me think... if I can't even get this opportunity, when will there be a better opportunity?? Do I believe in His providence???  Or does He really want me to stay put at where I am?? 

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