Monday, May 15, 2017

It's still nice to hear....

I'm not big on compliments.  More often than not... when people say nice things about me, I think it's out of courtesy.  Or I feel that it's part of my duty to act a certain way. 

This weekend... my MIL sent me a text after the Mother's Day dinner that made me puff up my chest just a little bit.  "Thanks for holding the mother's day party.  I'm so happy and impressed that you are a great father and husband.  Thanks for everything." 

I really could care less about what they think of how I treat their daughter or their grandkids... cuz again, I stand on solid ground on who I am.  But still... it's still nice to hear.

However... despite what MIL said, it simply doesn't rank up there with what my FIL said to me the day I asked him for his blessing before proposing to Joyce.  "我都好放心將曉瑜交比你."
So simple... so direct... yet so authoritative.   

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