Wednesday, May 24, 2017

沒料到我所失的 竟已是我的所有

As I was packing up my stuff... readying to move to a new position in a different building.. I started to feel this rush of sadness. 6 years, I gave my blood and sweat for this program. And now... all I had was 8 empty boxes and an office full of memories.  No fanfare. No goodbye party.  No frame or shadowbox. 

I actually declined several attempts to throw me a party.  I'm not that type.  But to think... two of my previous peers not only had a party... they had the VP show up... they got a nice shadow box.  Did I really wear away my welcome that much where I didn't even deserve a handshake from the VP?

After packing up the last box... and only having one person stop by, look at me me, shake his head (it was his way of saying "Good luck!")... I closed the door to my office with my Giants umbrella, and left the office I called home for the past 6 years.

Suddenly had this huge empathetic moment of where 關羽 was exiled from 曹操's camp... after all the battles and wars he won.  The only thing he had while riding his 赤兔馬 and gripping his 青龍偃月刀 was his honor.  He still held his head high.

And with that... I hold my head high as I start a new chapter in my career as a Senior Manager.  Never thought I'd climb this far up in a big company like mine.  But as he continues to lead... I will continue to follow.  

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