Friday, June 09, 2017

A moment in time....

Law of average says it's bound to happen to you.... no matter how safe you drive.

My last major accident was in 2000. 17 years later came the next one... and thankfully the kids weren't in the back seat. Thankfully. 

It all happened so fast. I stopped . But the guy behind me didnt stop in time... he didn't leave enough space. I vaguely remember stopping, trying to glance at my rear view mirror, and before I knew it... "BOOM!"  Everything inside the car went flying.... coffee mug, garage door opener, coins....

I got hit so hard... I ended up hitting the car in front of me!  The lady came out and first thing I noticed was... her tummy. Oh no.... pray that she's not pregnant!! I almost asked her... and luckily, she said her husband is home with the baby. Phew.... no baby in th me car, no baby in the tummy and no embarrassing moment for me. All three of us made it out ok... though we were all shaken up. 

I got to work to call insurance and I was already feeling the aches, pains.... and worst yet... I was seeing spots out of my eyes. The headache worsensed.... and I was feeling nauseous. So this is what a concussion feels like. Man oh man....

That night... after all was taken care of, I felt the urge to text and pray for everyone. They both responded cordially.  But man... you can be the most defensive driver out there, but when the time comes, it comes. 

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