Saturday, June 24, 2017

That moment all parents dread...

You always want people to walk up to you and compliment on how well your child is behaving.

But you dread the moment that someone walks up to complain about your little angel.

This happened on Saturday... when we were at Barnes and Noble, our favorite "library" where we hang out and rarely buy anything.  The kids love it cuz the books are more complete than a regular public library... and the place is just nice to hea.

On this day... SW comes running with a little jack-in-the-box toy... something we use to play with when he was much younger.  I guess the toy evoked happy memories for him.  While he was showing us his new found treasure, a parent walks up to us and said, "He snatched that from my daughter."

My heart sank.  My boy??? My angel did what?!?!?

The mom was very polite and courteous.  She wasn't out to get revenge or anything.  Her daughter on the other hand, was in shock and obviously very sad.  I quickly made SW apologize... which he did.  And the mom said, "It's ok."  She looked at her daughter... and said, "You're ok.  Let's go."

My son... my angel... my little treasure.  I'm still reeling from shock.

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