Wednesday, June 14, 2017

I didn't dare watch...

Game 5... Warriors found redemption.  And as the final 3 seconds ticked away (Durant was actually traveling), it was a roar of celebration... it was a sigh of relief.

The entire night... I didn't dare watch.  I hid in the room and followed on my ESPN app and Twitter.  Don't think I could've been able to watch real time.  Towards the beginning of the 3rd quarter.. I turned on the radio for a few minutes... and the Cavs started to make a run.  So I turned it off.  Superstitious??? Naaaaaaa..... but why take the chance?

The next day.... I ran to Dick's Sporting Goods to pick up some championship gear.  Not for me... but for dad.  In 2015... I went late and all the limited edition, good stuff were gone.  I felt so bad.  This time... I made sure I had my selection.  When I called dad...and asked him what color he wanted... I was amazed that he said, "Can you get me #35?" 

Astounded!!  Dad never asks for anything.  He always pushes gift aside.  But this time, he made a special request for Durant.  When half the Bay Area was breathing a sigh of relief... Dad was one of those roaring in celebration. 

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