Sunday, October 29, 2017

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus...

Today… a sister gave a testimony of her on-going battle with terminal cancer. It was already emotional and spirit-filled, until the end, when she specifically called out her husband and said, “XXXX, I truly believe that God will prepare for you someone who can cook for you.”  

I tried keeping the tears back the entire time, but that’s when the waterworks turned on.  I couldn’t hold it back anymore.   

After service, a brother mentioned he had another kind of waterworks.  That instead of tears of sadness or empathy… he was sweating bullets wondering why she would say such a thing.  C’mon bro…… this woman loves her husband SOOOOOO much, that as she’s this close to returning to heaven, at her most desperate and perhaps lonely times, she’s still thinking of her husband’s future.  How romantic and unselfish is that????  Maybe half the room got it… half the room didn’t.  

Friday, October 20, 2017

An amazing, supernatural memory...

For the past year...year and a half... I've been telling the kids a bedtime story that I made up.  The characters are "Josh-chel" and "Ra-shua."  Obviously, a play on their names.  The stories are mostly made up... with inspiration from Star Wars, Marvel Universe, DC Comics, 金庸, and other stories/movies I've seen over the years.  The kids don't know any better... so they think it's all original.   If not for copy right reasons, I literally can publish a children story and it might actually be pretty good!! 

In an earlier post, I mentioned there are times I'm so tired of telling this story, I find ways to stall.  And of course, there are nights where I'm just too tired and I say, "It's too late, we'll continue tomorrow." 

On and off.... the story has definitely evolved.  To a point where I don't even remember how the story got to where it is.  But last night... the kids amazingly recited the story, down to every last frightful detail, from it's inception.  Details that I don't even remember coming up with, let alone say. 

I'm so impressed...and touched... that they take this father/son/daughter time so seriously.  That among all the Netflix videos, all the books they read, all the movies they watch... they cherish my half-assed story telling. 

Here's the flip side to the coin.  If they remember these "happy" thoughts... what do you think are the chances they remember the "unhappy" thoughts?  Really makes you think twice about how to raise this next generation. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Prayer Meeting

Had the most difficult time going to Prayer Meeting tonight....

Me: 爸B去祈禱會啦.

SW: 點解成日都要去啊?

NN: 今晚可唔可以唔去啊?

I really struggled.... it's so hard.  So so hard.....

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Overdue Library Books

For the second time in one week, I have overdue library books. Now I owe San Jose $1.50. So pissed... I don’t care if it’s $15 or $0.15... I hate “breaking the law” and get fined!! 
What happened to those “Warming” emails they use to send??

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

15 year anniversary

Just celebrated my 15 year anniversary working at my current company.  Wow..... 15 years is not a short amount of time.  Rarely do you see people working at a tech company for that long.

On top of that.... my VP came by today.  He told me that at the Quarter Business Review (with the Exec VP and the other VPs), my picture was flashed on the screen.  How many people achieve a 15 year milestone at my company... but my VP chose to flash my picture up there.... if only for a split second.

On top of that.... Yesterday, I called two Directors.  And they picked up their phones and said, "Hey Hank.. how's it going?!?" Like we are peers.  I remember back when I was a salary grade 2-3.... I didn't even dare look at my Director.  And here I am.... calling Directors up and they know who I am. 

15 years of legacy......  of relationship building.... and I'm thinking of leaving?!?!??! What am I thinking?????????????????????// 

Monday, October 02, 2017


Skipped Sunday Service today to observe Kids’ Church and noticed one of our dear sister is there the entire time watching over a child with aspergers....or hyper activity.  This sister is NOT the child’s mom. After some chit chat, it turns out this small group takes turn watching this kid... while they miss the adult service. This gives the parents a chance to attend service as a married couple.  How long has this been going on? Dunno. Did anyone tell them or ask them?  I’m guessing this small group volunteered. It’s a simple act of love and kindness.

I was so touched by this simple act of selflessness. I wanna run to the top of hill and shout out to everyone what a wonderful deed this is! And hope others can be encouraged like I was....