Sunday, September 05, 2021

Boxing Day

Starting to prep for our move across town... and boy do we have a lot of sh*t.  So much stuff that just the bathroom itself has used up all our plastic totes.  I went back to work the other day to scour all the leftover cardboard boxes I can find.  Then I started calling furniture stores to look for their leftover boxes.  Would love to have a couple of giant Lazy Boy or Coffee Table boxes.  In the afternoon... I went driving around town to pick stuff up... and even jumped into a garbage bin to grab a couple of nice coffin like boxes.  Inherited a bunch of boxes from Big Bro that they so shrewdly saved over the years in preparation for their next move. Earlier this evening... got a DM from a NextDoor neighbor who just moved here from Anaheim.  She was trying to get rid of her boxes she used to move up here. Professional mover boxes.  

And even then.. .I don't think I have enough. Simply... too... much... sh*********************t. 

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